We're asking colleagues to check their compliance in their Electronic Staff Record (ESR) and carry out their Data Security Awareness training if it has lapsed. 

Each year, CHFT, like every NHS organisation, is assessed by NHS Digital to ensure we have the appropriate measures in place to keep our patient information safe and secure.

To pass the assessment, we need to demonstrate that all colleagues understand the importance of data security. This is one of the reasons why there is a specific essential training module on every colleague's ESR.

By being educated and mindful of good practice when handling information, you are helping us to ensure patients remain safe and receive the best possible care.

We know many colleagues complete their training modules before they expire, which is brilliant. We appreciate that making time for training isn’t always easy, but it's an important part of all our roles. 

You can find out if your training is up-to-date in your ESR training record. The module is called Data Security Awareness Level 1. If you are unsure how to do this then your manager should be able to help you, or you can find further information on the intranet here: How to access the learning - CHFT Intranet (cht.nhs.uk)

If you are not compliant then be sure to complete the training by the end of March at the latest and help us achieve our goals.

Thank you from your Information Governance Team - part of Health Informatics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I have just started my job or am only employed here for a short time?

A: All colleagues must complete the training including those who work part-time, students, new starters, or those on a temporary contract.

Q: I have completed the module, but ESR is still showing that I am not compliant. Who do I contact?

A: If you have completed the training within the last 12 months but ESR doesn’t appear to recognise that, please email: EssentialSafetyTraining@cht.nhs.uk 

Q: What if I'm not able to complete the training at this time?

A: If you are off work due to leave or sickness then your manager will be aware and you do not need to complete the training until you return. If you feel you are unable to complete the module due to current work pressures then please speak with your manager about putting time in your diary to complete it as soon as possible. Managers are aware of how important it is for CHFT to pass this assessment and this is reflected in the appraisal process.

How to find out more

If you would like any further information about information governance or data security then we would be happy to help you, so please email us: this.informationgovernance@this.nhs.uk