A new training video highlighting how colleagues can support the Keep Carers Caring campaign, which encompasses John's Campaign, has been launched.

Linda's Story is a personal account from Speech and Language Therapy Assistant, Jo Smith-Scadden. It's the story of her mum, who was one of the first babies cared for at Great Ormond Street Hospital, and who went on to become a professional dancer.

Jo has helped bring Keep Carers Caring to life here are CHFT and last week was featured for picking up our latest CHuFT Star Award for her personal dedication. 

At a recent preceptorship event, the feedback included:

  • “I now understand more about John’s Campaign which will aid in better patient care”
  • “I will be more mindful about the role of carers on the ward”
  • “I will maintain good communication with patients and carers, providing better care to patients who need it!”                                                                                                                    

You can watch Linda's Story here.