Since it was launched last May, 87% of colleagues have completed their Learning Disabilities essential safety training. But Nurse Consultant for Learning Disabilities, Amanda McKie is keen to know what other skills and knowledge colleagues might need to take it up a notch.

Amanda said: "It's a fantastic achievement so far and I've been blown away by the number of colleagues who have signed up to be Learning Disabilities Champions, too.

"Colleagues are clearly behind our work supporting health inequalities, which is to make sure everyone is treated equally, no matter of background and circumstances.

"I'd like to know if there is any other support that would be useful and have created a quick survey to find out. Thanks to colleagues in advance for their ongoing support." 

You can complete the survey here.

"We've done our training" Pictured left to right: Jan Calverley, Danielle Ogden, Naomi Brook, Debra Adams and Amanda.