Senior ODP, Michelle Kelly, didn’t hesitate to support colleagues and the ambulance team at the end of her night shift – and her actions impressed her colleague, Charge Nurse Renato Igaya, so much that she was nominated for a CHuFT Star Award.

Deputy Chief Executive, Rob Aitchison, presented the award last Wednesday, just as the BBC were filming, so it was another busy day in theatres.

Rob said: “Reading the nomination I got a real sense of you as a person, so a huge well done. It clearly wasn’t a one-off, as Renato talks about how many times you’ve displayed our Trust values. For all those reasons, you are a worthy winner indeed.”

Michelle said: “It was such a lovely surprise to get this Award. Everyone worked so well together that night. It's great to be part of a fantastic team.”

Here’s what Renato’s nomination said:

"At around 4.30am Michelle attended our A&E with a fellow ODP, where she stayed to help as a patient needed to be transferred to Leeds.

"Michelle stepped up immediately as the team needed help with the ambulance transfer, and despite it being the end of her night shift. It was clearly busy in the ED department at the time but she stayed calm, collected and in control. It is clear evidence of her dedication to her profession and professionalism and emanates the core values in our Trust.

"She showed compassion and care for our patient, that future or young healthcare workers need to see and emulate. She also demonstrated dedication to the profession and empathy towards the patient. I truly believe she needs to be rewarded not only about this but for the times she showed these qualities towards her career here in CHFT."