The competition was so strong this year, that the judges struggled to agree an outright winner, so jointly taking the Award for 2023 are the The Pre-Child Bereavement Team and The ED Transition Team.

The Pre-Child Bereavement Team’s nomination said: "The Team have provided more than 30 children and families with bespoke pre-bereavement support, including a memory box. One father wrote: “I will never be able to express my gratitude the box has made to help my children to remember their mother. They take their bears to bed every night and have her handprint close to hand to feel as if she is still there.” 

Staff Nurse, Bex Fletcher, said: "This has been a real collaboration between both adult and paediatric services, which has never existed before. Without this team it honestly wouldn't have been possible.

"It's a really hard job which we do for a reason for the families. "They may not remember our name or what we look like but the biggest thing is they'll remember the difference we've made to them."

Our other finalists were Andrea Jimenez, The Patient Cancer Pathway Team and The Cancer Nurse Specialist Team. Well done to them all for being shortlisted.