The Shadow Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology and MP for Hove, Peter Kyle, visited CHFT earlier today. He came to learn more about the work we’re doing using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to diagnose suspected lung cancer in patients referred for a chest x-ray by their GP.

Mr Kyle was shown around our current x-ray department in ED and our CT Department, before being given a demonstration of how our teams process chest x-rays using AI.

Deputy Director of Operations for FSS, Sarah Clenton, said: “We were absolutely delighted to welcome Mr Kyle today. As the first Trust in the country to use AI for the reporting of chest x-rays, it was fantastic to be able to demonstrate how our patients are already benefiting.”

AI Project Lead, Imran Majid, said: “It was exciting to be able to talk about what we’re doing here at CHFT. To be honest, we think we’re trailblazers for the technology as patients are already seeing the benefit.

Service Lead for Plain film, Emma Hurst, added: “I think a lot of other trusts think it’s just a case of switching a system on, when in fact it takes time to build the system as it relies on building up a huge bank of data."

Article Attachments
Service Lead, Mark Williams talking through the process
Service Lead, Mark Williams talking through the process
Emma chatting with Mr Kyle
Emma chatting with Mr Kyle
Imran and Emma
Imran and Emma