A recent visit by the CQC generated amazing feedback for all our teams are doing to support discharges from medical wards, including our medicines management.

Senior CQC Compliance Manager, Shelley Rochford, said: “Although we don’t receive any formal feedback from the CQC in response to these visits, I did make a note of some of their comments through the visit. They included:

  • Its obvious patient care is at the centre of everything we do at CHFT
  • Partnership working shone through the whole presentation
  • They were really impressed with the work the BLOSM team are doing in ED and how embedded the processes are
  • They commented on the initiatives to support carers who weren’t carers
  • They felt there was a clear, positive working relationships between all the teams
  • They said how enthusiastic, positive, open, and passionate the teams were about what they do

Quality Manager at Calderdale Cares Partnership Board, Lucy Dryden, was present during Advanced Practitioner Jo Banks’ frailty presentation and wrote to Jo afterwards, saying: “I wanted to take a moment to say how much I enjoyed your patient story presentation. The way in which you spoke about the patient and their journey was heart-warming and it is clear to see your passion, dedication and kindness for patients.

“The Trust are very lucky to have you and I would be thrilled if you were caring for any of my relatives.

“I was really impressed with the extensive amount of work ongoing in the Trust to improve the patient journey to discharge in a timely manner and to a place of their choosing, and your story encompassed this completely.”

Thanks to all the teams and areas who pulled together to welcome the CQC, which included The Discharge Team, Discharge Lounge, Pharmacy Team, Safari Team and Frailty Team. HRI’s Acute Floor and Discharge Lounge also met the BLOSM Team.

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All these teams pulled together to support the visit
All these teams pulled together to support the visit