Our next CHuFT finalists to be in the spotlight are in the Must Dos category - dedicated to anyone who delivers skilful, compassionate care every day.
Our finalists are Clinical Educator Arley Byrne, THIS General Manager Asif Ahmed, the Critical Care Team, the SAU Team and Operations Manager, Thomas Whittle.
Surgical Assessment Unit (SAU) Ward Managers, Emma Armitage and Frances Howland, said: “Celebrating success through the CHuFT Awards allows our team to be proud of the amazing care that we provide day in, day out, always striving to deliver the must dos through changes and challenges over the years.
“If you ask anyone why they work on SAU and Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC), their first answer would be, the team - and that's what makes us stand out. The kindness and compassion that we show one another has an infectious impact on our patients. Our passion keeps the sun shining even on the cloudiest days.”
Clinical Educator, Arley, said: “Those that know me will probably disagree, but having a minute in the recognition limelight was both surprising and very humbling. I feel like I'm in the Truman Show, waiting to walk off set with the whole thing one big joke!
"The support, development and retention of our Allied Health Professions (AHP) workforce is a huge must do - now more than ever - after a very difficult period. It has been fantastic to collaborate with and achieve some of the big wins over the last 12-months together as a largely diverse and talented group of professions. This nomination is for all of us."
Good luck to all our finalists at this year’s Awards, taking place next Thursday, 2nd November.