To make sure that Trust information is kept safe and secure, and to ensure we are in line with national requirements on information governance and security, colleagues who want to use Outlook, Teams, Excel, Word, PowerPoint and OneDrive for CHFT business must have signed and submitted Appendix 2, Bring Your Own Device of the Mobile Communication Policy.

This is because from Monday, 6th November, colleagues who do not have our mobile security application (called inTune) installed on their device, will no longer be able to access them. The Bring Your Own Device form triggers a request to The Health Informatics to install inTune to allow you to work securely. It means that should your device be lost or stolen, they can stop access to Trust applications and therefore Trust information.

Got a Trust device that still needs inTune installing?

This change will also affect colleagues with a Trust device who do not yet have inTune installed, and after 6th November you will need to contact the Service Desk to arrange a suitable appointment to have the software installed on your device.