Yesterday saw the end of Inclusion Week - and whilst lots was happening here at CHFT, our very own Engagement Support Officer, Toseef Ahmed, was also busy - having an article published in Further Education (FE) Week.

He talked of his own journey, having a supported internship with Project Search, saying: "Doing an internship in the NHS is extraordinary – no two days are the same and no two people you meet, patients or staff, are the same.

"During my rotations (the internship allows you to try working in different departments on rotation), I met people and families I really wanted to help. Like the lady who was looking after her husband who’d had two strokes and was on her own without any family, to whom I lent a compassionate ear. Or the lady who never took part in any day activities because she only spoke Urdu and needed a translation sheet.

"It turns out that not only could I work on the ward, but because I am compassionate and pay attention to needs, I could really help patients. For listening to and helping patients and developing tools like translation sheets to improve our work, I was given a Star Award. It’s a moment I am really proud of."

Read Toseef's full article in Further Education Week.