Car-Free Day takes place on the 22nd September each year to highlight the benefits of sustainable transport.

This Car-Free Day, our sustainability colleagues in CHS are challenging colleagues to try something new.

If you are able, colleagues are encouraged to walk, wheel or cycle to work to experience the benefits of active travel.

On the 21st (CRH) and 22nd September (HRI), colleagues who come to the main entrance between 9am and 4pm can benefit from:

  • 50% off meal deal vouchers for colleagues who cycle to work*
  • CHFT water bottles (limited number first come first served)
  • Bike-marking by the crime prevention team at West Yorkshire Police (between 10am and 1pm)
  • Lots of advice and information about active travel at CHFT
  • Regional bus operator representatives will also be in attendance to answer all your queries about local bus services and offer advice about public transport
  • Local walking and cycling route maps
  • Chance to win a £50 Love2Shop voucher prize courtesy of Calderdale Hospital SPC, for colleagues who come down to complete our Car-Free Day mini travel survey

*You will have to prove this by either bringing your bike round to main entrance, be wearing an obvious cycling outfit, or show a photo of yourself on your bike that morning/or a photo of your bike parked up in CHFT facilities)

 Are you taking part? Join the conversation on social media with the hashtag #CHFTcarfreeday.