Engaging our patients and families is key for improving safety. As we move closer to World Patient Safety Day on Sunday, 17th September, our Quality and Safety Team will be sharing more information about the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PIRF), which is due to be introduced at CHFT soon.
Head of Patient Safety, Sharon Cundy said: “Under the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PIRF) there must and will be, greater engagement with those effected by an incident, so our team will be promoting this when they do ward walk arounds during the week.
“We have some really great areas of best practice, and we’d like to feature more. For example, our Research Team always has patient safety at the forefront of what they do.
“Whether its ensuring trials have ethical regulatory approvals, having processes in place in the team such as Good Clinical Practice training, serious adverse event reporting and a thorough consent process.
“They work closely with, and welcome input from other departments to ensure trial protocols are adhered to for patient safety. They run many trials that aim to improve patient safety, such as looking at de-escalating treatment or looking at new devices or techniques with regular assessments by the research team.
“So do get engaged with World Patient Safety Day – after all safety is everyone’s business.”
There will be stands in main entrances all next week and the team will be walking the wards sharing information.
Pictured below left to right: Left to right: Miranda (Research Nurse), Hannah (Research Study Support Officer), Drew (Apprentice Administration Assistant), Chantelle (Senior Clinical Trials Assistant), Leyla (Clinical Trials Assistant), Matt (Clinical Research Team Leader)