Colleagues have been asking how they can get a ticket for our CHuFT Awards in November.

Well, here’s Pathology IT Manager, Jonathan Bray with 2022 finalist Fran Allen. He won a Golden Ticket to last year’s all-singing-all-dancing bash.

Jonathan said: “I nominated Fran Allen in the One Culture of Care category. It was for her work in the Mortuary looking after a deceased patient who was also a close friend of hers, as well as the rest of Pathology. She found out that her friend had died when she came into work as she was on one of the trolleys, which can't have been easy.

One of the first things she did was to make all her friends and loved ones aware that she would be taking the best possible care of her whilst she was in the mortuary. It really was very kind.”

All colleagues who put in a nomination will go into a draw to win a place just like Jonathan did.

Other ways that colleagues can be at the awards

If you’ve taken part in recent engagement events, such as Appreciation Week, our Health and Wellbeing Festivals, Pride, Windrush, Armed Forces Week – or if you’ve won a monthly CHuFT Star Award – your name will go into a hat.

Plus in a change this year, each of the finalists will be able to bring a colleague along – making it an even more memorable #TeamCHFT event.

So what are you waiting for? You can nominate via our dedicated website: