A brand-new management fundamentals online resource has been launched, and colleagues like Ward Manager, Fran Howland, are raving about it.

It has practical, bitesize support on some of the main issues that managers face, like attendance management and recruitment.

Fran said: “I love the concept of it. Sometimes it takes forever to try and find guidance when there is so much on the intranet, so this is a great way for managers, and in fact all leaders to problem solve with just a few clicks.

“I’ll be encouraging more of my team to take a look as I think it will help them in their roles too. I'm 100% certain this will have a positive impact on all managers and even future leaders.”

Organisational Development Practitioner, James Teal, who has designed the programme, said: “This has been one of my key tasks since joining CHFT six months ago. It’s come about as a direct result of what managers fed back in the last NHS Staff Survey and I’m hoping everyone will share Fran’s view.

“I’m really looking forward sharing the Me as a Manager section when that’s completed – and we’re pulling together some face-to-face sessions for management fundamentals and a new management development programme, too.”

You can find it on the intranet. See Training/Developmental or workforce-organisational-development/workforce-training-and-development/management-fundamentals