West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WY HCP), which includes NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (NHS WY ICB), has launched two important plans to support the 2.4 million people living across the area.

Co-produced in partnership with colleagues from across all health and care sectors in West Yorkshire, they have been developed from Healthwatch engagement, local involvement activities, views from meetings held in public via the local health and wellbeing boards, West Yorkshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the NHS WY ICB and WY HCP Board. A public consultation between January and March this year highlighted the importance of access to care, including GPs and dentists as well as breaking down health inequalities, better joined up care, workforce recruitment, and ‘getting the basics right’.

You can read the WY HCP Integrated Care Strategy at www.wypartnership.co.uk/publications/west-yorkshire-integrated-care-strategy and the Joint Forward Plan at www.wypartnership.co.uk/joint-forward-plan-2023.