Ward 19 received some brilliant feedback from the relative of a patient - singing the praises of Occupational Therapist, Talia Lowton, after she demonstrated true compassionate care for one of our patients.

Patient, Jackie, had been on the ward for an extended period, and she was feeling upset about still being in hospital when Talia, who designs and sells jewellery, decided to make her a necklace to cheer her up. Jackie was overjoyed to receive the gift - resulting in tears all around for colleagues on Ward 19.

Afterwards, Jackie’s husband got in touch to share his appreciation, saying: “Thank you Talia, you have been an absolute STAR. You have done FAR more for us than you had to. Your gift to Jackie will be cherished by us both. Thank you, Talia, for your kind involvement in this most delicate moment in our hospital experience, we will never forget you.”

Physiotherapist, Hazel Sharpe, was so impressed that she sent a CHuFT Appreciation message in for Talia - and that's where comms picked up the story.

Lovely words for a lovely gesture. Thank you, Talia, for being a wonderful example of our Trust’s values.

Article Attachments
The necklace made by Talia
The necklace made by Talia