Our Gynaecology Cancer Team has been shortlisted in two categories in the Macmillan Professionals Excellence Awards finals, for their work delivering outstanding results in 28-day cancer targets.

The team are shortlisted in the Integrated Care and the Whatever It Takes categories.

Project Manager, Lucy Beckingham, nominated them for the Integrated Care category for their work on the Gynaecology Triage Pathway, which has led to huge improvements for patients. Lucy said: “Patients are receiving their results quicker and since the introduction of the pathway, the team have surpassed cancer performance targets and have received excellent feedback from patients. One said: “If I do have to come back to this team, I know I will feel reassured and helped as much as possible.”

Lucy goes on: “Being shortlisted is a credit to the work the whole team has put in to drive the pathway changes and I'm well 'CHuFT' for them.

“They deserve to win as they have met challenges head-on and worked together across services and departments, such as radiology, hysteroscopy team and appointments to make improvements for our patients.”

Consultant Radiologist and Divisional Director for Family and Specialist Services, Nikhil Bhuskute, told the teams: “This incredible achievement is a testament to your collective dedication, hard work, and commitment to providing exceptional integrated care to our patients.

"This nomination is a well-deserved recognition of your exceptional skills, professionalism, and commitment to improving patient outcomes through integrated care, and serves as an inspiration for us to continue pushing boundaries and striving for excellence in integrated care delivery.”

Macmillan Gynaecology Team Leader, Lesley Walker, also nominated her team in the Whatever It Takes category, saying: “The team have overcome many challenges to maintain an excellent service for all our patients. Having contact with patients from the start of their pathway journey has been great.  It is also wonderful to be able to reassure patients early that we are not concerned from a cancer point of view.”

The next step is to present their work to the panel in September, before the finals themselves.

We wish them all the best.

Article Attachments
Some of our Radiology colleagues who have supported the project
Some of our Radiology colleagues who have supported the project
Some of our Radiology colleagues who have supported the project
Some of our Radiology colleagues who have supported the project
Lead Consultant, Mr Choy who has recently retired
Lead Consultant, Mr Choy who has recently retired
Consultant, Miss Sabahat Sabir
Consultant, Miss Sabahat Sabir
Consultant, Mr Edwin Omih
Consultant, Mr Edwin Omih
Sister, Holly Cassidy
Sister, Holly Cassidy
Performance & Information Lead, Bethany Todd
Performance & Information Lead, Bethany Todd