Last week the Community Healthcare Division welcomed Occupational Therapist, Jessica Loxam to their Allied Healthcare Professionals (AHP) workforce, as a new OT Clinical Educator. 

She'll be working to support newly qualified OTs and our OT international recruits through their first year at CHFT. Her role will be based within both hospital and community sites.  

Read more in our latest Hello my name is...

What is your current role and career background?

I have worked as an Occupational Therapist at CHFT for seven years within Stroke rehab both on the wards and in the community. I am really excited to start my new role as an AHP clinical educator. This role will be focused initially on supporting our newly recruited OT cohort joining over the summer through our AHP preceptorship program. 

What is the highlight of your career so far?

This is a really difficult question, I feel there are lots of highlights! I feel really lucky to have worked with some really great AHP's and nurses within the stroke ESD team and on the stroke wards - all providing great patient centred care! 

Sum up your role in three words

Preceptor/ Support/ Education. 

Who is your hero/heroine and why and what did you want to be growing up?

My heroine growing up was The Spice girls!!! I used to love their music, but also their GIRL POWER message! 

I always wanted to work in either an airport or hospital growing up. I've always enjoyed meeting and talking to new people and liked the busy hustle and bustle environment. I think I chose the better option! 

When you are not at work, how do you relax?  

I enjoy spending time with my family - my two young girls keep me busy! Polly is 6 and Edie is 2. I like going out and socialising with friends and of course dancing to the spice girls! 

Any advice to anyone starting out in the NHS?

Use the support available from the trust preceptorship program and the support/ guidance offered from your colleagues.