CHFT’s Communications Officer, Megan Litjens, is joining the NHS 75th celebrations in London tomorrow, after her night shift photo taken in ICU at HRI has been selected for a top exhibition. It’s at the Fujifilm House of Photography and the shortlisted photographers have been invited as VIP guests on the day.

She thanks Sister Dani Frost and the team for helping her with her “mad idea” and here explains more about her amazing photo.

What made you stop and take that photo?

I actually had a very clear image in my head of what I wanted the photograph to be like after reading the specifications for the category. So, I'd love to say, "I have an eye for these things" or "it was totally spur of the moment" but it definitely wasn't! A lot of planning went in to make it look as un-planned as possible! 

How does it make you feel looking at it?

Incredible! My heart does a little happy dance every time I see it now. 

Where was it?

It was taken on ICU during a night shift. Thank you to Dani Frost for patiently listening to my mad idea and finding the time to accommodate me. 

What makes it special?

Our colleagues. I wanted to place emphasis on colleagues working a night shift, to show that care never stops. It’s to highlight them in honour of their sacrifices – all the missed bedtime stories, the family mealtimes, and evenings with friends. I hope they know how valued they are.

What does a photo do that words can’t?  

Photographs can capture raw emotion.  

Have you had standout moments as a photographer?

I had a very early (very brief) career in wedding photography as a 17/18-year-old. I quickly discovered it wasn't for me as, during one wedding, my camera broke as the bride was walking down the aisle. Despite this, I still went on to study photography for my degree - falling in love with telling stories with images.

Article Attachments
Megan (left) with Dani (right)
Megan (left) with Dani (right)