Here are colleagues from Equans by their latest flower bed which is in bloom at Calderdale Royal Hospital.

The flower bed was first installed in honour of the NHS's 70th birthday five years ago and was planted in the shape of the number 70. It received so much positive feedback that Equans then created another for the 20th anniversary of Calderdale Royal Hospital in 2021.

Now that it's the NHS's 75th birthday the tradition continues, with a new flower bed having been planted to celebrate.

Equans' Tom Ronald said: “with the 75th anniversary approaching we were keen to show our appreciation to the NHS but more importantly, to the NHS Staff at Calderdale who we work with on a day-to-day basis.”

His colleague Dian Merry said: “on Wednesday 5th July the NHS will celebrate its 75th Anniversary, as part of these celebrations, Equans Gardeners have contributed by developing a flower bed to commemorate the anniversary. Some of the plants they used in preparation of the flower bed were Scabious Mariposa, Cosmos pink and white, Achillea, Salvia and a mix of various perennials to fill the bed and give it colour.

"The Joiners contributed by making the anniversary sign which we placed at the front of the bed as part of the 75th Celebrations.”