Surgical Assessment's Health Care Assistant, Charlotte Swinden, collected a CHuFT Star Award last week - for her random acts of kindness all year-round for patients and her colleagues.

Ward Manager, Emma Armitage, said in her nomination: "If above and beyond could be a person, it would be Charlotte!

"Just last week she picked up a bacon butty for a patient on her way to work. On her break she will go to the shop to buy goodies for her patients. She always brings in a gift for a staff member who had a bad shift or has been down, she will bring in banners and balloons on your birthday, she fills our health and wellbeing room with face masks etc. The list really does go on and on.

"She bumped into a patient and got chatting and found out they would be spending Christmas alone. Well Charlotte wasn't having that! She booked her in for a Christmas meal at a charity and organised a taxi there and back. The patient still calls the ward to chat to Charlotte.

"Her acts of kindness and compassionate care is admirable and we are honoured that she chose to work on SAU."

On getting the award from CEO Brendan Brown, Charlotte humbly said: "I just don't feel like I'm doing anything different. I'm doing my best for the patients and my team."