Colleagues from CHFT took on The Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust in a tremendous charity day of “positivity, families and fun” at Sowerby Bridge Indoor Cricket Centre.
Each Trust had three teams in the event on Saturday, and it was so successful that thoughts are already turning to next year.
Our Deputy Medical Director, Neeraj Bhasin, hailed the day as a triumph of “positivity, fun… and quite a bit of noise.” He added: “We saw people in all roles and genders coming together and playing together then sitting down together for a chat.”
Dewsbury Dragons came out on top, with Wakefield Whirlwinds seizing second and CHFT’s Shibden Hall Saints taking third place. The other teams were CHFT’s Castle Hill Crusaders and Emley Moor Eagles, and Mid Yorks’ Wakefield Whirlwind and Pontefract Panthers.
For CHFT, Charity Volunteer Ben Pedley and Appointments Admin Assistant Moazzin Arafat were the stars collecting the highest number of points - despite a serious cramp attack for Moazzin. Helen Gaukroger (Finance) and James Battye (Cardiology) also brought along their youngsters and played alongside each other.
Neeraj thanked Emma Kovaleski and Shelley Adrian for their support organising it. He added: "People brought their families, which meant plenty of support - it was really noisy. It was competitive but played in a fantastic spirit.
“Bacon sandwiches, curry and chapattis, a fab raffle and bake sale, as well as the entry fee, helped push the total raised for the charities to more than £1,000.”
The proceeds will be split between the two Trusts’ charities and The Cricket Asylum Foundation. For more action shots, visit the tournament's official page: crickettournament23 on Instagram.