As part of CHFT's Nutrition and Hydration Month - in this first week we're celebrating Dietitians Week.
This year the team are promoting the faces of dietetics #WeAreDietetics.
They are celebrating their hard-working dietetic department which includes dietitians, dietetic assistants, dietetic assistant practitioners, business support and nutrition nurses.
Dietitians interpret the science of nutrition to improve health and treat diseases and conditions by educating and giving practical, personalised advice to clients, patients, carers, and colleagues. Our team work in the following areas:
- Bariatrics
- Critical Care
- Community Dietitians
- Diabetes
- Fertility
- Gastroenterology
- Older People
- Oncology
- Paediatric
- Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Take a look at the information stands in the main entrances to find out more.
What else is happening this month?
Week commencing:
- Monday, 12th June we'll be focussing on Speech and Language Therapy
- Monday, 19th June the spotlight will be on Nutrition
- Monday, 26th June concentrates on Hydration
There will be lots of things happening over the month such as competitions, raffles, walk rounds with drinks trollies, training and education.