ReSPECT is the Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment.

It's being launched this June as a collaborative across Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield - and we need 70% of colleagues and staff across all three areas to be trained before we launch it fully. So we're asking colleagues to complete the e-learning as soon as they can.

It will involve all health and care providers including acute trusts, mental health trusts, care homes, hospices, Locala, local care direct, Yorkshire Ambulance Service and primary care.

The process starts with a conversation between a person and a health care professional, creating personalised recommendations for a person’s immediate clinical care in a future emergency in which they cannot make or express choice. It provides a summary plan with recommendations to help health and care professionals to make immediate decisions about that person’s care and treatment.  

ReSPECT is available for everyone, but will especially benefit individuals who have long term, life limiting, or degenerative conditions, palliative diagnoses, degenerative conditions, and people at risk of cardiac arrest or those nearing the end of their lives. 

ReSPECT has been designed by Resuscitation Council UK and will eventually replace DNACPR. The process is a much more robust version of DNACPR which includes treatment recommendations that would benefit people as well as those avoiding interventions that may harm people.  

The Care Quality Commission published a report in 2021 citing ReSPECT as a good example of a process that, when done well, can support all individuals to make decisions about their future care and treatment. 

Education sessions happening throughout June

Eventbrite sessions can be booked using the following links (staff are expected to have completed the e-learning sessions prior to attending). Read more and book via the links below:

The above sessions are available over multiple dates (see below) and give staff the opportunity to hear from the project team and ask questions about the ReSPECT process.

Level 2

Level 3 

1st  June 11am-12pm

1st June 12pm-1pm

8th June 11am-12pm

8th June 12pm-1pm

15th June 11am-12pm

15th June 12pm-1pm

22nd June 11am-12pm

22nd June 12pm-1pm

29th June 11am-12pm

29th June 12pm-1pm

6th July 11am-12pm

6th July 12pm-1pm

For further information visit:  

Or contact: (CHFT Clinical Lead for the Implementation of ReSPECT)