The Counter Fraud Team at Audit Yorkshire has a new look monthly newsletter, and has also launched a new Twitter page.

As well as our counter fraud page focusing on NHS type frauds, the Twitter page shares information relating to all the current fraud and scams that are circulating, and will include information on how both colleagues and the public can avoid becoming victims.

Sharing such information is a major aid and tool in the prevention of fraud and we would appreciate your support. If you have never followed Audit Yorkshire please follow our new page and we will follow you back.   

So please follow us on Twitter

New look April's newsletter

This edition introduces the Twitter account and an invitation to join our Fraud Focus Group.

As ever there are current scam trends including Tab Napping.  This is a type of phishing attack which can happen if you have several tabs open at once on your computer or laptop.

Read the newsletter below or see the Counter Fraud pages of the intranet.

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