The rollout of our electronic controlled drugs register (eCDR) is now complete, and is showing some fantastic results which is helping give colleagues more time back in the day for patient care.
Every area in the Trust that dispenses controlled drugs is now using the system. eCDR is a software application, which means orders for controlled drugs (CDs) are sent using a computer to be prepared by pharmacy colleagues. Once the order is ready, the requester is notified and can then collect the order from the pharmacy department.
We’re already seeing the benefits of eCDR including:
- Around 1,400 hours, or 58 days, of wasted trips (to and from Pharmacy) have been released back to nursing colleagues to give them more time to care.
- Orders are electronically sent overnight and are ready as soon as Pharmacy opens, a saving of 10 to 15 minutes each time an order is placed – that’s around 88 days.
- Completing audits is now quicker and the time taken on stock checking has also been reduced.
- There is improved compliance with CD documentation regulations and CQC compliance, as every transaction is signed and/or witnessed as required, without the ability to ‘cross out’.
- Processing and receipt back to the ward/department is quicker. Pharmacy can distinguish immediately all the order requirements e.g. patient’s own/urgent etc. This reduces delayed or omitted doses of CDs to patients.
Clinical Director of Pharmacy and Accountable Officer for controlled drugs, Lis Street, said: “Whilst the project took longer than originally planned, we now have an excellent final product which has surpassed expectations with regards to benefits and functionality. The product has also won national awards for innovation, championing CHFT as a digital exemplar.”
THIS Project Manager, Susan Lacey, said; “Thank you to the wide range of colleagues and teams who have been involved. This includes the Pharmacy Team, the trainers and the Change Team, Divisional Reps, IT colleagues and Train the Trainer colleagues. Their support has brought the project to a successful conclusion. We certainly did work together to get results with #CHFTTeamwork”.
Information about how to access eCDR and training
- If you need eCDR access, please contact Service Desk or log a job in Remedy on Demand
- An eLearning package is being developed and is awaiting approval for the addition to ESR. In the interim, ward managers will be responsible for providing training for any new starters.