Three new e-learning modules have been added to ESR to support colleagues in having a wider understanding of the Freedom to Speak Up process.

The Speak Up module, which all colleagues should complete, reiterates the message that all colleagues have a voice that counts and explains what speaking up is, and why it is important. It helps colleagues understand how they can speak up and what to expect when they do.

It’s available on ESR via this link:

The Listen Up module focuses on listening and understanding the barriers to speaking up. It is essential that managers at all levels understand what speaking up is and how they should respond when someone raises a concern with them.

This module can be found on ESR here:

Managers should also complete the Speak Up module.

The Follow Up module, developed for senior leaders, aims to promote a consistent and effective Freedom to Speak Up culture across CHFT which empowers colleagues to speak up and be confident they will be listened to, and appropriate action taken.

All CHFT and CHS senior leaders should complete the training, along with the other two modules to gain a full understanding of the process. This link takes you two the training:

You can read more about Freedom to Speak up on our dedicated intranet pages.