University Clinical Practice Educator, Helen Taylor, has made such an impression on the Clinical Education Team (CET), that they recently entered her for a Student Nursing Times Award 2025.

Although Helen wasn't shortlisted, the team felt so strongly about Helen's value to the CET and CHFT's nursing students that Rosie Bevan and Gary Miles took matters into their own hands and made her an award themselves. 

Clinical Educator, Vikki Scurrah, said: "We love working with Helen and often say that we don't know how the university would manage without her. As much as she works for the University of Huddersfield, she's definitely part of our team. Helen supports all nursing students placed within CHFT placements.”

Supportive testimonies were required for the original nomination. These were sent in by University staff, including Warren Gillibrand, Head Of Nursing, students and clinical colleagues.

CET's Admin, Katie Collins, produced a certificate which was laminated and the testimonies were printed out and all were presented in a folder to Helen. 

Vicki added: "Helen was overwhelmed by the gift, saying it was a huge shock, and that she had never expected anyone in her whole nursing career to present her with an award like this. She'd had a challenging morning and was quite emotional that we recognised her invaluable support within our Trust.

Helen said: "They are a wonderful team and a pleasure to work with and at their heart are the students, the staff and their colleagues.  I am privileged to work with such a dedicated team.  It was a very overwhelming but positive experience."

Pictured left to right: Becky Craven, Sarah Kenningley, Katie Collins, Helen, Gary Miles, Rosie Bevan and Kim Sisson-Pell. 

Article Attachments
Helen's certificate from the team
Helen's certificate from the team