CHFT has been reaccredited to the DCB1596 secure email standard. The standard requires us to have the relevant technology and processes in place to be at least as secure as NHSMail which means we can ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of any emails sent from our Office 365 email platform to other accredited email addresses including NHSMail (other email addresses can be found on this link via the spreadsheet ).

The accreditation involves providing evidence of our regular testing of the security of the email platform and our processes, providing assurance that colleagues complete their mandatory Data Security training and that we have reviewed the use of email for any clinical risk where email is used in patient care.

Please familiarise yourself with the Email Group Policy at least once a year and remember that whilst email may be used to communicate Personal Identifiable Information (PII) with other accredited email accounts, it is not a replacement for recording that information in the relevant clinical or corporate IT system.