With a mix of higher than expected demand and lower than required donation, our stock of platelets is falling sharply.

Do not give prophylactic platelet transfusions in:

  • Bone marrow failure syndromes Not receiving intensive treatment
  • Autologous BMT
  • Thrombocytopenia congenital/ acquired platelet defects

Where possible the time interval should be extended between prophylactic doses of platelets if patient is clinically stable

Accepting D positive platelets where D negative are not available and administering anti-D to D negative patients of childbearing potential where applicable

See amended thresholds for Platelets transfusions in Appendix 6 of https://nationalbloodtransfusion.co.uk/sites/default/files/documents/2023-04/Final%20NBTC%20Platelet%20shortage%20plan%20April%202023.pdf